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This Chinese Emperor's Coins are ideal representation of both prosperity and power in Feng Shui. Representing the most prosperous and successful period of Chinese sovereignty, the Qing dynasty, these coins each feature the name of a powerful emperor. The round symbol of the coin represents earth while the square symbol cutout represents heaven, when in your presence the full trinity of Feng Shui luck – heaven, earth and mankind luck – is complete.

5 Chinese Emperor's Coins





1. 五帝錢懸掛在汽車內的後照鏡上或店舖財位可作檔煞、旺財催財之用。

2. 做生意的老闆可以在大門門斗上安置五帝錢,鎮住財氣。

3. 凡住家屋宅大門流年逢土煞,可以利用五帝錢來鎮宅化解土煞。


五帝錢主為招財也可化煞; 六帝錢則用來化解五黃大煞。

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